the monitor


“I will do that next week, I do not feel like indulging in anything.” Do these words ring a bell? I am confident that they do because they are very friendly to be conversed as when we feel like. The words that attest to PROCRASTINATION.

Procrastination is a quality of postponing to do certain events or responsibilities/ obligations. There is an English proverb that alludes that; “Procrastination is a thief of time”. This means that the phase that one misses will never repeat itself to opportune one to complete such obligations. It is the enemy that steals our destinies and brings ailment in our lives. Grace is very key in our lives because it enables events to be and unfold in our daily survival. It therefore, create conducive environments and opportunities that are geared towards improving our lives. So, whatever is apportioned to us by grace is ought to be done and completed within the span that grace has allowed for.

It is imperative that we loop on to the momentum aroused by grace since it gives us ideal obligations at the ideal moment. Procrastination dispositions us from such a grace and the efficiency influenced by the latter. The way grace makes things to unfold, it puts them on a sequence that there is no step that is meant to be missed. If you miss a step, you miss the entire equation. Similarly, when one is undertaking a mathematics question, they have to address every step of the equation successively in order to get the correct answer. Procrastination urges one to miss a step on events that are crucial for the next act of grace to be optimally realized. One day, a man found a bag containing money valued at BWP1, 000, 000 and hid it beneath the foundation of a house he was constructing. At that time, he was in his initial stages of his sickness.

His son was working in the biggest law firm in the country and he was too busy to go visit his father, so he claimed, and continued to procrastinate each moment he had an opportunity to go see his father. As months went by, his father’s health deteriorated and unfortunately he, on the other hand, lost his job. He was reduced to a poor man since he could no longer furnish his needs as he wished. The father passed on without a visit from his procrastinating son. The son relocated to his father’s house and every second of the day, made him poorer and poorer.

Should have the son stopped procrastinating, the old man would have made known to him about the money and its location in order to afford him an opportunity to enjoy the wealth. But unfortunately, he wished he had lots of money to solve all of his stressful financial challenges yet he slept on top ofstacks of it every day. What we miss to do piles up and interrupts the newly sprouting events or opportunities which their unfolding is also compromised by the unfulfilled latter goals.

We lose too much wisdom we earn through doing what we should be satisfying in accordance to what grace has served. It is the same wisdom we could use on the next actions we should do. The only thing that we earn from our act of procrastination is regret. Regret milks out glory from us and impose a false self- believe, self- confidence and self- esteem. This is due to the fact that our minds magnify our past mistakes or lack of promptness towards what we should have done and pin us to be irresponsible and ineffective. We are ought to be proactively responsive to the acts brought forth by grace since their achievement guarantees success of the next act to be launched in our lives.

Kealeboga Ronald Ngwigwa is an Author of a book titled 50 SHOTS OF COLOR (Download e-copy on KINDLE AMAZON), Motivational Speaker, Radio Feature Presenter, Events DC and Humanitarian who believes that there is greatness to be unleashed in all of us. Contact him on [email protected] for bookings. Facebook page: Coloring Souls with Kealeboga Ronald Ngwigwa. LinkedIn: Kealeboga Ronald Ngwigwa. Instagram: #ColoringSouls. Website:

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