In life and death a uniting figure: Francis Nyamhuka (1952-2019)
Friday, July 05, 2019

Last Saturday I joined a few hundred mourners to celebrate Francis Nyamhuka’s life and entomb his body at Zororo Cemeteries in the Zengeza area of Harare, Zimbabwe.
A teacher by profession, Francis rose through the ranks and was head teacher at St. Mary’s High School in Zengeza when he retired two years ago. Speaking at Francis’ funeral, his sister, Elizabeth Flexibility Nyamhuka, attested to Francis’ sterling teaching career as a feat accomplished through hard work.
We duly congratulate them to have ousted the long ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) from power. Prior to taking power from the BDP, the coalition had made several election promises that are credited for influencing change and swaying the people to vote in its favour.The party had made an undertaking, which its leader and President Duma Boko consistently bellowed in his campaign trail. These undertakings were promises that Batswana would be...