
Let's not attack each other – Boko, Saleshando agree

Boko and Saleshando
Boko and Saleshando

Following the meeting between once opposition allies, President Duma Boko and Leader of the Opposition (LOO) Dumelang Saleshando, the leaders have agreed to work together to improve the lives of Batswana.

The meeting took place on January 17, 2025. According to Saleshando, the objectives of the meeting were to amongst others identify and promote bi-partisan collaboration on issues of national importance as well as for the LOO and the President to appreciate the responsibility and need of oversight and alternative policy positions by the official opposition in the 13th Parliament.

In a statement released this morning, Saleshando said during the meeting, the two leaders exchanged views on the challenges the country is facing and the need for the national leadership to execute its duties to the best of its ability.

Whilst differences between opposition and ruling parties over policy issues are a norm with all democracies, the two leaders appreciated that such differences shouldn't be used as a "basis for attacks that distract from the national discourse that unnecessarily heightens tensions".

Meanwhile for his part, speaking at the meeting Boko shared, “We should pull together. It is ultimately about the country and its people and not us, we are merely their servants. I extend the brotherly embrace ofcourse we will compete.”

Boko further expressed that he wishes for Botswana politics not to be ‘bitterly competitive’ that focus on the person and not the issues.

“We need to rise above this and reach a level where it is genuinely about ideas and solution. We must critic each other and listen to those who see things from a different perspective. When we disagree, we should not dismiss each other,” The President pleaded.

Editor's Comment
UDC's 100 Days: Please deliver your promises!

We duly congratulate them to have ousted the long ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) from power. Prior to taking power from the BDP, the coalition had made several election promises that are credited for influencing change and swaying the people to vote in its favour.The party had made an undertaking, which its leader and President Duma Boko consistently bellowed in his campaign trail. These undertakings were promises that Batswana would be...

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