Gweta water safe for consumption-WUC
Thursday, April 13, 2017

Under control: Water consumption is now safe in Gweta
The contamination and its daring effects left villagers in the lurch. Chairperson of Gweta Disaster Committee Ledule Baraki explained that though the WUC provided water through bowsers, it was not enough as some villagers could go up to two days without accessing water.
“They were only using two bowsers though this is a huge village of more than 8,000. They were bowsing 80 killometres away in Phuduhudu village, so the distance caused the inconvenience,” Ledule said. Though advice was put out to people not to drink the water, we assume there is a possibility some drank because there was water scarcity.
The fact that underage girls, some as young as 14, are leaving their homes to stay the night with older men isn't only alarming but also a clear indication of how normalised this harmful practice has become. It is time for all stakeholders—parents, community leaders, law enforcement, and society at large—to stand up and take decisive action to end this scourge.Defilement is a crime, and it is unacceptable that it is being treated as...