
Brave Heart demands payment for Boko inauguration

Brave Heart provides Conference & Event Technology.PIC.BRAVE HEARTS FACEBOOK
Brave Heart provides Conference & Event Technology.PIC.BRAVE HEARTS FACEBOOK

A local company, Brave Heart, which was engaged during President Duma Boko’s inauguration is demanding payment in the sum of P750, 000 for service rendered.

The company, which provides Conference & Event Technology, was reportedly engaged during the inauguration to supply sound and audio equipment, a service they allege has not been paid despite numerous demands. In a letter of demand addressed to the Registrar and Master of the High Court with attention given to the Chief Registrar, the company, through J J Matomela Attorneys, demands payment to be made. “We act for and on behalf of Brave Heart (Pty) Ltd herein referred to as client. Brave Heart has advised that it was engaged to provide sound and audio equipment for the inauguration ceremony hosted at the Botswana National Stadium in Gaborone, on November 8, 2024.

Brave Heart provided a quotation for services it would render at the said inauguration, which quotation was approved wholly,” reads part of the letter. The letter further states that the quotation was for the sum of P750 000.00 and that the company delivered as per the quotation. According to the attorneys, despite Brave Heart fulfilling obligations, the respondents have failed, refused or neglected to make payment for its services rendered. “To date, client has not received confirmation on when payment will be made. We have been instructed, as we hereby do, to make a demand that payment of the sum of P750 000.00 be made to client. The said payment be made within a period of 48 hours from receipt this demand,” reads the letter. The letter also advises that failure to adhere to this demand constitutes refusal and that the attorneys hold instructions to institute legal proceedings in the recovery of the said debt without any further notice to the one payment is sought. “All legal costs incurred above will be borne by yourselves, which costs will be included in the principal debt. We hope the above is in order and we look forward to your cooperation on the matter,” concludes the letter.

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Refrain from risky behaviours

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