
Nthebolang scoops Visual Art Exhibition competition

Ray the photographer
Ray the photographer

Twenty-five-year-old Tsaone Rebabedi Nthebolang recently won the Presidential Art Competition under the regional level.

The competition and art exhibition was held at the Thapong Visual Art Centre where the talented young artist walked home P3,000 richer. Nthebolang specialises in fine art photography.

In an interview with Arts & Culture, he said he believed that photography was a tool that he could use to express himself. He added that his pictures give people a chance to see the way he sees things and let them get into his thoughts about life.

He also explained that he believed God gave him an eye or talent for art. “My photos help bring attention to the little things that are often overlooked. I love presenting my work to people because my pictures are like a peek through my eyes.

My pictures also show my unique thought process and my interpretation of the world around me. They also allow individuals to explore those small moments and in time help me to deeply indulge in the moment,” he explained. He further pointed out that his goal and ultimate feeling of success drew other people into that moment as well.

Additionally, he stated that the theme of his photos was inspired by cultural (values) background or how most of Batswana were raised. He said among the pictures he exhibited at the competition was a picture themed Morokotso showing how Batswana in rural areas milked cows right after the calf breast fed from its mother.

The second picture was themed ‘Tsa Kgale’ showcasing the social standards and traditions that were practiced way back before civilisation. He explained that the photos he shot were inspired by the little moments that their memories were often lost or forgotten.

He added that he had always been encouraged to thinking outside the box; therefore he tended to over think things through his camera lens. “I do not think, I just see, I imagine and I experience. I am not the best speech giver but all I can say photography has made me an extrovert and good photography that needs no words as it explains itself.

I believe that fine art photography is a true kind of photography to tell old age stories as my photographs like giving a message about our cultural values in order to cultivate cultural diversity because of our popular quote that says, ‘A Nation Without A Past Is A Lost Nation’. So my photographs bring the past memories back,” he said. Moreover, he said his view about photography in Botswana is that the country must appreciate them as photographers by buying their work.

He also urged the government to host a big event for all photographers around in order to support and give them exposure by also buying their work. However, Nthebolang is no stranger to the competition as in 2017 he exhibited his work for the very first time during the Presidential Exhibition Regional level where he scooped position two back in 2018 also at regional level. He also scooped position one in 2018 at Thapong Visual Art, Artist of The Year where he was nominated under photography and featured in the book catalogue.

He also won more exhibitions. He added that his biggest challenge was income. Moreover, Nthebolang added that he wanted to be the best fine art exhibitor in the whole world. He added that he wanted his work to reach the whole world one day. His advice to aspiring photographers is to not give up on their dreams and should keep on doing what they like until they reach where they want to be in life. He can be contacted on his Facebook page, ‘Ray The Photographer’ for bookings and on Instagram @tsaonerayondmpayang.

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