the monitor

Mopako ka monate

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I trust that by now all the kids are back to school. Bo bundle of joy were dropped off for their first day at kresh and at Standard One, and although many display a little resistance on that first day or first few weeks because it is a daunting experience, it does get better.

The comforting thing is that this feeling often does not last long. After a little bit, there starts to be some familiarisation, as school work starts so does meeting up with friends new and old. School starts to become something to look forward to.

I work from home so you can only imagine how much I look forward to schools opening because the kids demand all the attention I possibly have to give, they want to eat nonstop and never want to nap. Don’t get me wrong, I almost equally love school holidays as its rest for the whole family. Well done to all the kids starting school for the first time, and well done to those who have graduated to the next level.

To those that didn’t proceed to the next grade, know that with just a little more hard work this year, you will do better and possibly excel past those who you feel left behind by (make this their encouragement mom and dad). Moms, dads and guardians well done and congratulations to you all, let us keep supporting the little ones as best as we can.

They need all the required stationary and books, assistance with homework or tutorials where necessary, and definitely a well-balanced diet with adequate rest. Creating lunches for #Mopako101 used to be easy in that both our boys would pack identical lunches and only once in a while would I have to customise things like sandwiches to their personal preferences but nothing too complicated. The second week of school this year has highlighted a few changes in regular programming, as time tables have changed with the addition of afternoon activities and extra study lessons.

Logistically, we can’t drop off a second lunch at lunch time and I am not sold on the tuck shop yet, so I have to pack a double school lunch. Now, this isn’t as easy as one would imagine because it can’t just be more of the same food. Rather I have to make sure there is variety so the kids actually enjoy and finish their food. We make sure to always have our family have Danone product line stocked up in the fridge, so in this way I am always sure about at least one element of the lunch being sorted. The rest I have to put some thought into, and the first few days have started off pretty well, but I have fast realised I have to be very intentional about planning the lunches.

I have been thinking of lunches and starting preparations the evening before. A tip I have is to plan on the weekend. Put aside 15-30mins and think up five lunches for the upcoming week, write them down and make sure to stick to the plan. The mini corn dogs we made earlier in the week were a hit. The boys claim I haven’t made them in years and have always made excuses. I used pancake batter for the corndogs, it’s a lot in quantity, unless you are hosting and will be making a lot corndogs note that there will be batter left over. You can make pancakes with it, for the lunch box or to freeze and enjoy later. Visit our ChellzKitchen Facebook page to share some of your Go To #Mopako101 and get some ideas from what we have shared. Look up the hashtag on the page and you will be opened up to years of #Mopako101 content.

INGREDIENTS 1 ½ cup cake flour 3 ½ tsp baking powder 1 tbls white sugar ¼ tsp salt, or more to taste 1 cup milk ¼ cup plain NutriDay yoghurt 3 tbls butter, melted 1 egg Viennas Wooden Kebab sticks Oil


Mix dry ingredients using just the 1½ cup of flour in a bowl and set aside In a separate bowl mix the wet ingredients. Create a well in the dry ingredients, and while pouring start to incorporate. Use either a whisk or fork and beat until smooth. Pour the batter into a tall glass or jar. Heat oil on medium to high heat. Place the wooden Kebab sticks through the viennas and cover the meat with the ¼ Cup of flour. This ensures that in the next stage the batter will coat the viennas well. Dip the viennas in the batter and fry corndogs for 3 min or until golden brown. Enjoy them plain or with your favourite choice of sauce.

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