The University of Botswana (UB) has confirmed that indeed the police are investigating a rape case involving its senior lecturer and 18-year-old female student. Earlier today Mmegi Online broke the story that the police had arrested a senior lecturer suspected to have raped the student at the UB premises . The UB has since released a statement confirming the incident but the institution of higher education has not disclosed whether the lecturer will be suspended or not.
“The UB confirms receiving a case of alleged rape by one of its staff members concerning a student of the University. The case has already been reported to the Botswana Police Services (BPS) who are investigating the incident. The University is fully cooperating with the police to ensure a thorough and impartial handling of the matter,” read the statement.
The university assured members of the public that it is taking these allegations seriously and it is treating the matter with the sensitivity and urgency it deserves. "In the wake of such allegations, the University further assures its stakeholders of its commitment to zero tolerance to any form of sexual misconduct. Such commitment is demonstrated by the recent launch of the revised UB Sexual Harassment Policy through which the University aims to foster an environment of integrity and a safe space for all.”
UB further says as an institution of higher learning in the country, it is concerned by the rising number of cases of Gender Based Violence (GBV) in the country and supports efforts by the Government of Botswana to address this social problem, “To that effect, the University is also in the process of conducting a study to contribute to the development of appropriate intervention measures that would assist in the formulation of policies and/or laws against GBV.” On the matter at hand UB only says, “The University will keep members of the public informed about any new developments related to this matter.”