In for a raw deal from second hand car dealers?
Friday, January 25, 2008
"I just bought a light American truck for P60, 000. I settled for this particular model because it was extremely cheap," says Nathan Mushota, a technician with a printing company in Gaborone. "I paid the dealer, collected the truck and set off for my village. I was excited because it was my first vehicle, bought with my hard-earned savings of many months. But as I approached the BDF area in Mogoditshane, the vehicle suddenly developed a problem with the automatic gearbox.
"The clutches in the gearbox started to slip. I pressed the accelerator paddle down flat, but the gearbox failed to respond. I parked on the side of the road and called the dealer. He told me that he could not do anything because it was after hours. A friend came to my rescue and we towed the truck to his house, which was near the car dealership."
The Botswana Examination Council (BEC) released the BGCSE results for students who sat for Form 5 examinations in 2024.Whilst initially BEC released that only 3,673 candidates scored 36 points and above, the number was corrected to 6,521 during a press conference, which was held on Friday at the BEC boardroom.The set cut-off for government sponsorship is 36 points and sadly this means that only 6,521 will be eligible for the support and the...