Although the suspension was stayed by the High Court four days later, there are reports that Butale’s downfall had long been planned the moment Reatile took up the VP position.It is said that Reatile’s sudden takeover as ‘acting president’...
The way Butale falls and dusts himself off again is something of a marvel as he has become the party’s comeback kid in the many ways he overcomes bad publicity and rebounds to victory.But in all the rebounds Butale, a lawyer by profession, has...
Butale has cited Khama in an urgent application before the High Court seeking to overturn his suspension. This comes shortly after Khama hinted at a BPF rally that he does not get along with Butale because he has taken him to court in the past....
Butale was suspended for 90 days on Monday and he filed an urgent application Wednesday before Lobatse High Court to overturn his suspension among others.The matter will be decided today. The NEC members backing Butale include suspended secretary for...
Speaking to BPF members virtually during a party rally in Serowe last weekend, Khama said Butale goes around telling people that they have buried the hatchet. Since Butale took back the BPF presidency after one year of suspension, he and Khama have...
MaGaborone, as some of the upper class citizens of Gaborone are called, thronged the Gaborone International Conference Centre (GICC) to dance the night out to all their '70s and '80s favourite hits. It is never a dull moment to listen to some...
After hosting a Leadership Forum in Palapye last weekend, the BCP is looking forward to salvaging something from what is left with their partners Botswana Labour Party (BLP) and the AP faction led by former Mogoditshane legislator Sedirwa Kgoroba....
This comes after the party lost some of its councillors to the UDC recently. The BCP, a coalition affiliate, fell out with its parent body last year over governance issues and has now made it clear that it will not contest next year’s General...
Saleshando, whose party is currently stuck in the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) because they cannot afford to trigger by-elections, was speaking at the party’s leadership forum held in Palapye.The BCP joined the UDC in 2017 and contested the...
Few weeks after rejecting the AP’s decision to dump the Botswana Labour Party (BLP) and the BCP cooperation talks, the faction resurfaced over the weekend at the BCP leadership forum in Palapye only to indicate that they do not have much to offer...
There was something for everyone. Even though it was a pork event, attendees were treated to all kinds of meat to cater for non-pork eaters. Pigs on Fire was indeed a pork feast that offered people an all you can meat experience with serving from...
With the Presidential Commission of Inquiry into the Review of the Constitution of Botswana rejecting Batswana’s plea to have a direct election of the president, it is now clear that Boko will not get to have that bout with the Botswana Democratic...
The Dumelang Saleshando- led party had to watch in dismay as their once would be partners, Alliance for Progressives (AP), dumped them to start talks with the Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC).They have been estranged from their parent coalition,...
Boko’s UDC has never held an elective congress since 2012 but he still believes that 'the people’s project' can still hold together as the storms rages on ahead of the 2024 general election.The UDC contested the 2014 general election...
Speaking at the re-launch of the club recently, local entertainer Hey Nyenaah real name Theo Botshelo Bome told the media that although there are risks involved, customers will be able to purchase beer with the promise that they will pay in the...