The Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC) CEO, Tuelo Serufho, says the law prohibits them from intervening in the drawn-out Botswana Karate Association (BOKA) internal fights.
Serufho told MmegiSport recently that the Sport Act does not allow the BNSC to intervene in National Sport Associations (NSA) internal squabbles. “We are toothless. There is nothing we can do because if we intervene, an NSA can take us to court. We are aware of what is going on at BOKA but our hands are tied,” he said. This week affiliates moved to impeach the BOKA committee led by president Mpho Bakwadi. The affiliates want a Special General Meeting (SGM) early next month where a motion of no confidence is expected to be passed against the committee.
Speaking to MmegiSport, Bakwadi said BOKA has appointed technical, referees, disciplinary, appeals and women’s commissions. He said other remaining commissions have not yet been appointed mainly due to lack of resources. “The accusation of financial accountability is false. We have submitted audited financial statements at the 2024 AGM. It is also false that we have failed to hold regular meetings. We have been holding meetings as and when there was a need to do so,” Bakwadi said responding to some of the accusations stated in the petition. He said BOKA will not convene an SGM requested by the member federations who submitted the petition. “The petition is based on falsehoods. Since the reception of the petition by BOKA on January 13, 2025, two signatories to the petition being the Botswana Shito-Ryu Federation (BSF) and JKA Botswana World Federation have written to BOKA disassociating themselves and withdrawing from the submitted petition and out of five remaining signatories, Karate Nomichi Botswana and Botswana Goju-Kai Karate Federation are not members of BOKA,” he said. Bakwadi explained that out of the seven initial signatories to the petition only three; Kofukan, Shitoryu Shukukai, and Ryushin-Kan are bonafide members of BOKA.
He said the three federations do not constitute two-thirds majority of the general membership that is mandated by the constitution to convene an SGM. “Undermining the democratically elected executive committee and collaboration with non-BOKA members are actions that are not only a violation of the BOKA code of conduct but also a serious threat to the integrity and unity of BOKA. Any behaviour aimed at destabilising the organisation by members or disregarding its democratic processes will not be tolerated,” he warned. Bakwadi stated that strict action, as outlined within the BOKA constitution will be taken against those found to be involved in such activities. He said BOKA stands for fairness, transparency, and mutual respect. “An example will be set for those responsible for such behaviour. This could potentially include suspension or even eviction from BOKA, depending on the severity of the situation. A final decision will be made after a thorough review of the matter,” Bakwadi said.
Meanwhile, BSF chairperson, Leano Kotlhao, said they had nothing to do with the petition. “We have neither met nor agreed as a federation to call for a BOKA SGM and nor were we engaged by any other BOKA affiliate with a view to call for an SGM. David Kelebonye, who signed the letter on behalf of Shito-Ryu is a member of the BSF executive committee, but was not sanctioned to act on behalf of the BSF,” he said. Meanwhile, JKA chairman, Montshwari Sarefo, confirmed they have resolved to withdraw from the petition.