
The landing has not been easy


I am pleased to welcome you all to this very important retreat which has been overdue following our historic triumph at the 2024 general elections and assumption of our role as the Government in office.

The landing has not been easy, but that, in my humble view, was to be expected, because there was a change of government in the history of Botswana. This 13th Cabinet of our Republic assumed office just over two (2) months ago and has, amongst other obligations, held four (4) regular meetings to deliberate on the serious business of delivering on the mandate given to us by the people of this country. At our Ministries where we are expected to provide effective political leadership, or at Cabinet, where we tender advice to the President to make important national decisions, we have learnt a lot. We have been introduced to what a Cabinet Agenda looks like, Cabinet Memorandum, Cabinet Information Note, Presidential Directives, Cabinet Manual, Green Book, Regular, Special and Other Meetings of Cabinet, amongst other important instruments in our operations. There has been a lot to take in. Perhaps like many of you, I cannot claim to have absorbed and understood everything we have been guided on, hence the importance of this retreat. We have endured very long campaigns for the 2024 elections, which were followed by the last meeting of Parliament.

The festive season break we are coming back from should, therefore, have enabled us to refresh and recharge. The programme prepared for us will run over two (2) full days. It will require us to first listen carefully, ask questions and meaningfully engage so that we all come out of this experience more enlightened and empowered than we were before coming here. The senior officials here have been as eager as we are for this day and opportunity to come. Mr. President, Vice President, colleagues and fellow comrades, my role was just to welcome you, in my capacity as the Minister for State President, a portfolio which also involves facilitation of Cabinet Affairs. I am looking forward to getting better in my appreciation and discharging of the responsibilities that come with this role, and want to express my appreciation to the PSP and her team for putting together the programme before us.

Once again, Mr. President, Vice President and all colleagues, I welcome you. It is now my distinct honour, privilege and pleasure to invite the President of this Republic, Advocate Duma Gideon Boko, to officially open this very first orientation workshop for Members of the 13th Cabinet. I thank you. *MOETI MOHWASA is Minister for State President. He presented this speech this week at the retreat for the members of the 13th Cabinet and other senior officers.
Editor's Comment
UDC's 100 Days: Please deliver your promises!

We duly congratulate them to have ousted the long ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) from power. Prior to taking power from the BDP, the coalition had made several election promises that are credited for influencing change and swaying the people to vote in its favour.The party had made an undertaking, which its leader and President Duma Boko consistently bellowed in his campaign trail. These undertakings were promises that Batswana would be...

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