Is there a place for special nominations in this day?

Democracy is a remarkably blunt instrument. Hundreds of issues are bundled together at every election, yet the vote tends to swing on a few of them

The 2019 general elections can at best be summed to have swung on a fear of change. An elected government then presumes consent for its entire programme, and with a majority in parliament, for anything else it wants to introduce in its term of office.

Human rights lawyer Uyapo Ndadi teaches a lot on consent in matters that are sexual in nature. Society should not accept presumed consent in sex. Why then are we made to accept presumed consent it in politics? The barbarism of specially nominated councillors is rape. The voter’s consent is never sought. The 2019 exercise as carried out by Minister Eric Molale has left no one smelling of roses.

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Fighting GBV is for us all

Despite legislative reforms and various initiatives aimed at curbing Gender-Based Violence (GBV), the situation remains dire. It is imperative that all stakeholders; government, civil society, communities, and individuals join forces to combat this issue and protect the rights and safety of women and girls.Recent statistics from the Botswana Police Service reveal a deeply troubling trend, with 60 rape cases recorded during the festive period....

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