Has the lot of women improved?

FRANCISTOWN: It all started when Eve tricked Adam into eating the forbidden fruit. Since then it has been a story of women bringing down even the strongest of men like Samson.

But in the final analysis, women still get a very raw deal in nearly all societies. The other week, a female MP Bontlogile Tshireletso of Mahalapye East tabled a motion in Parliament to increase the number of specially elected women legislators. Hence the male MPs were up in arms, protesting that women should go through electioneering to get to parliament.

Another female MP, Margaret Nasha was quoted on Btv saying that for too long Batswana women have been given a raw deal. Weeks ago when Vice President Mompati Merafhe was launching Finance Minister Baledzi Gaolathe to defend his Tonota North seat, he decried the fact that the team of council candidates was all-male. "At my constituency (Mahalapye East), we have got women as candidates. Why is it that there are no women in your constituency?" Merafhe queried.

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