GTV's collapse lesson for broadcast industry

THE television broadcast industry in Africa has had a very interesting even if turbulent history. Whereas the broadcast industry has its origins in Nigeria, where the legendary Obafemi Awolowo inaugurated Africa's first television broadcast studio, the Western Nigeria Broadcasting Corporation in the late 1950s, today despite that head start, Nigeria appears to have lost out in continental broadcast leadership.

In its place, South Africa which only got its first television stations in 1976 appears to have taken a quick surge ahead and for many years has led the continent in broadcasting.

In Nigeria for instance, many would agree that watching local television is an ordeal.

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Parents should be more proactive in children’s lives

Parents need to pay particular attention to their children to ensure they grow up in a healthy environment that supports their development and mental health. Healthy attachments between parents and children foster strong bonds, creating a solid foundation for future leaders.In many African cultures, there is a common perception that parents should use a stick to discipline naughty children. While disciplining children is important, it is equally...

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