PPADB new strategy to eliminate conflicting roles
Thursday, December 05, 2013
Amongst the conflicting roles the PPADB undertakes are procurement processing (tender vetting and adjudication), serving as an appeals body, and playing an oversight role.
PPADB Executive Chairperson Bridget John said at the launch of the strategy that the organisation aims to resolve the issues in the current plan through a staged process of devolution at the beginning of the plan period, and transformation to a regulatory authority, subject to the approval of government.
A few weeks after the former ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) was reduced to a pale shadow of itself in the just passed General Election on October 30, it was only logical that you take a conscious decision of resigning from the party. This was before you could be pushed out of the position by irate party diehards who feel you did not do enough during your tenure as the head of the party secretariat.We know that it is at the party...