Balanced budget will send the right signal - BOCCIM
Friday, January 31, 2014
BOCCIM wants the budget to also embrace a low and stable inflation as well as sustainable public debt in keeping with BOCCIM's own values of low taxation. In a statement released this week, BOCCIM noted that, "A balanced budget - as opposed to surplus or deficit - sends a positive signal to both investors and savers that the government will not take in more than it needs from taxpayers to run its operations."A balanced budget therefore leaves business owners with more money in their pockets to finance their operations and hire additional people in the process.
"BOCCIM therefore expects minister Matambo to maintain the momentum on his medium term goal of balanced budgets."In addition, BOCCIM expects the finance minister to ensure that budget in high expenditures sectors such as education and health generates value for the tax payer."In this spirit therefore, BOCCIM hopes that priority will be given to functionality of premises instead of lavishness especially in public projects such as building of new schools.
On Saturday at around 9am it was reported that an accident claimed the lives of five people who happened to be related. The car they were travelling in is said to have attempted to overtake only to realise that the oncoming car was fast approaching. When the driver tried to get back to his lane, he hit the car he was trying to drive past whilst overtaking.Many quickly took to social media to show sympathy to the victims and also offer their...