The startling truth

The horizon shimmered, swaying in harmony with nature’s grand symphony. A resplendent conductor, dressed in mimosa yellow, presided over the vast canvas of the sky, casting its radiant bolts relentlessly upon the thirsty earth.

The unrelenting solar assault continued, propelling the fiery red mercury within its glass chamber upwards with an urgent momentum. The dizzying odyssey revealing a temperature of 42 degrees Celsius.

The parched earth etched with deep crevices begged for the touch of raindrops. Its fervent prayers unheard. Amidst this scorching inferno, the golden grass danced with regal grace, swaying to the rhythm of the heat-infused wind. The trees, although battered, remained defiant in their struggle for survival. Their brown twigs, bereft of leaves, yet displayed unwavering resolve.

Editor's Comment
Gov’t must rectify recognition of Khama as Kgosi

While it is widely acknowledged that Khama holds the title of Kgosi, the government’s failure to properly gazette his recognition has raised serious concerns about adherence to legal procedures and the credibility of traditional leadership. (See a story elsewhere in this newspaper.) Recent court documents by the Minister for Local Government and Rural Development, Kgotla Autlwetse, shed light on the intricacies of Khama’s recognition process....

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