
Connect the dots

The sun splashed its heat infused yellow hue as far as the eye could see. August’s terminus was rapidly approaching and yet the Canadian summer hung on for dear life.

The relative brevity of the warmest season ensured that all Canadians far and wide extracted the most from the warm pleasure inducing sunshine. A gentle breeze serenaded the chlorophyll infused leaves as they swayed uninhibited in their energetic dance.

Beauty was everywhere.

In the neatly clipped hedges bordering the immaculate expanse of lawn, to the flowers splashing a rainbow of colours in nature’s own attempt at mimicking artist Jackson Pollock’s manic offerings.

The sidewalks were abuzz with youth’s magnificence and perfection. Ralph Lauren polo shirts strained perfectly with rippling muscles providing ample evidence of the effort and sacrifice of physical activity. Long soft bouncy curls performed rhythmically as their owners navigated the structured pathways. Human physiology would not take a backseat in this artistic exhibition.

Melanocytes in perfect synchrony to their sun’s conductor released a symphony of glorious melanin. The resulting aria manifested as the most sublime summer tan.

The painted skin an astonishing bronze with flecks of brown. The physical perfection defied description. This was the start of the university year. I had walked these pathways countless times. I passed the University Community Center to my left. The social hub of the school and home to the main cafeteria where most undergraduate students ate lunch daily.

Always a fun time as it was a place to connect with friends in various faculties and also to imbibe the daily “fashion show.” I continued on past the Psychology building. A beautiful, peaceful building packed with memories of deserted corners studying diligently. I finally arrived at my destination. A building I had seen every day, as it had been a steadfast neighbour to the Natural Science building that had been my academic domicile for my Bachelor of Science studies. I stood for a moment and basked in its majesty. The grey brick walls had withstood the passage of time and with a covering of green ivy took my breath away. The sign adorning the front facade read “Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.”

It would be in this colossal structure that my destiny would lie. But how did I end up here? None of us can predict the future. In the realm of life’s uncertainties and ever-changing paths, Steve Jobs, co-founder of Apple, once shared a profound insight? Here’s Jobs’ original quote: “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something -- your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” With this astute observation, Jobs brought us back to a fundamental truth about the unpredictability of our journey. As we navigate the twists and turns of life, we often find ourselves unsure of how to navigate the moment, challenged by ambiguity, and compelled to make decisions with no clear roadmap ahead. However, in these moments of doubt, Jobs calls us to place our trust in something greater than ourselves. Trusting our instincts can lead us to unexpected and rewarding destinations, according to Steve Jobs. He suggests that having faith in unseen life forces can unveil the profound connection between our past events and our future purpose. Jobs emphasises the significance of looking back on our experiences to comprehend the interwoven nature of events and decisions.

This introspection empowers us to make wiser choices as we move forward, armed with insights into the consequences of our actions. In his wisdom, Jobs highlights the importance of embracing failure as an integral part of success. Rather than viewing failure as a roadblock, he encourages us to see it as a stepping stone. The valuable lessons learned from setbacks and disappointments contribute significantly to our personal growth and refine our approach to challenges. Every decision we make, regardless of its size or seeming insignificance, leaves a lasting impact on our lives. Jobs reminds us to be open to these seemingly small dots, as they can often lead to significant moments and opportunities that shape the trajectory of our journey.

In the search for meaning and purpose in life, Jobs encourages us to trust in something beyond ourselves. It could be our passions, a commitment to helping others, or a sense of higher calling. Believing in and aligning ourselves with these forces provides life with a sense of direction and fulfilment. One of the most profound barriers to progress is fear and doubt. Jobs’ advice urges us to conquer these inhibitions and have faith in ourselves. By stepping into the unknown with confidence, we open ourselves to new possibilities and growth.

As my first day as a dental student concluded, I walked the path to the parking lot where my car stood. The bright sunshine and summer warmth remained. Beautiful tall trees guided my path. The breeze had since subsided and the green leaves stood at attention. Surrounded by arboreal artistry, I paused to take in the fresh air. At once I was struck not only by nature’s perfection but how such perfection hid the essence of life in plain sight. In the veiny green surface of each leaf, nature’s chemical machinery engineered the production of oxygen to keep each and every one of us alive. Failing which, life would not exist. Divinity exists hidden in plain sight. Open your eyes, it is in Him we trust.

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Watch your tongue Mr President

While his leadership has brought about significant progress and development, it is imperative that he exercises greater caution in his choice of words, particularly when addressing sensitive matters.One of the primary concerns is the potential impact of his remarks on Botswana’s relationship with De Beers, the diamond mining giant that plays a crucial role in the nation’s economy.The partnership between Botswana and De Beers has been mutually...

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