
A delicate task

Fear, a primal force ingrained into the composition of the human experience, prowls within the shadows of our consciousness. It wears infinite masks—fear of the unknown, fear of failure, fear of the dark—each a demon haunting the corridors of our minds. It is the cold sweat on trembling palms and the hitch in breath when faced with the unfamiliar. Fear is an ancient companion, both protector and tormentor.

In the cumulation of anxieties, the fear of death stands as a menacing silhouette. It lingers on the periphery of our thoughts, a silent reminder of our mortality. The fear of the great unknown beyond life’s curtain manifests in quiet contemplations and restless nights. It’s the existential chill that pierces the warmth of living. Yet, paradoxically, it’s this very fear that propels us to savor each fleeting moment, to carve significance into the transient nature of our existence.

In the face of mortality, fear takes on a profound dimension. It becomes a reflection of our humanity, a poignant acknowledgment of the fragility that defines our journey through the mystery of life and death. And yet while death is an inevitable destination in all our journeys, we all fortify the door and attempt to stave off the darkness as it approaches.

Though it feels like a mere blink in time, my inaugural Mmegi column graced these pages over two years ago. It was with nervous anticipation, I embarked on an unforgettable journey, grappling with the subject as I prepared my inaugural piece. The title, “Fountain of Youth,” adorned the headline, and the narrative explored an embryonic entity named Altos Labs. Nestled in the heart of Los Altos, California, this innovative venture is presently guided by the capable hand of CEO Hal Barron. Amongst its visionary founding investors stand titans of industry: Yuri Milner and Jeff Bezos, the Amazon luminary. Altos Labs, shoulders the Herculean task of defying the relentless march of time, a quest to stretch the limits of existence. Its ambitious intent is to unlock the secrets of aging and to prolong life. Altos Labs pioneers in utilizing Yamanaka factors, a groundbreaking approach in cellular reprogramming. Inspired by Shinya Yamanaka’s Nobel-winning discovery, Altos employs these four protein factors to reset cells to a more youthful state, a key element in their quest to unlock the secrets of aging.

Within the esteemed ranks of Altos Labs, Shinya Yamanaka serves as an unpaid advisor, adding a touch of Nobel brilliance to the company’s ethos. In a testament to their commitment to excellence, three additional Nobel laureates contribute their expertise. Altos Labs has also attracted top-tier researchers, generously compensating them with salaries ten times the industry standard. This assembly of brilliance forms a scientific dream team, prompting the intriguing question : what milestones have been achieved since Altos’ inception on January 19, 2022? In a groundbreaking study by researcher Juan Carlos Izpisua, controlled pulses of the four Yamanaka factors injected into mice resulted in improved tissue function and regeneration, extending their lives by 30%. Despite this remarkable outcome, the study faced challenges, with some mice developing tumors known as teratomas. Altos Labs boasts biologist Pura Munoz Canoves, a recipient of Spain’s National Research Award, amongst its star recruits. When questioned about the potential for pills to treat cancer or Alzheimer’s, Canoves emphasized Altos’ focus on enabling cells to rejuvenate and strengthen, clarifying that the technology is still in its infancy. Altos is diligently working on safely reprogramming cells, although the prospect of practical application in humans remains distant, as acknowledged by Canoves. Nonetheless, Altos has showcased its prowess in rejuvenating HUMAN cells, marking significant progress in their pursuit of safe and effective cellular interventions.

Izpisua and Chinese colleagues have started trials on monkeys. Canoves adds that the work is still early and will take years to complete and once again states much needs to be understood before it might be possible to move it into humans. In addition, Altos Labs faces ethical considerations and societal debates surrounding the concept of significantly extending human life. Questions about accessibility, affordability, and the potential impact on social structures are raised in discussions about the implications of their research. Balancing scientific progress with ethical considerations is a delicate task that Altos Labs must navigate as it pursues its ambitious goals. Presently, Altos Labs has achieved noteworthy strides in deciphering the enigma of aging and pushing the boundaries of human longevity. Yet, the journey ahead is laden with challenges, and the assurance of success remains distant and uncertain. Considering the intricacies and uncertainties associated with the direct application of the Yamanaka factors, as of now, opting for a date with the treadmill and a post-exercise kale smoothie seems a more tangible strategy for pursuing a longer life.

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Watch your tongue Mr President

While his leadership has brought about significant progress and development, it is imperative that he exercises greater caution in his choice of words, particularly when addressing sensitive matters.One of the primary concerns is the potential impact of his remarks on Botswana’s relationship with De Beers, the diamond mining giant that plays a crucial role in the nation’s economy.The partnership between Botswana and De Beers has been mutually...

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