
Lewanika Timothy
  • De Beers sees subdued market for diamonds

    De Beers reported suboptimal sales of rough diamonds, especially in the last quarter, resulting in revenues of $4.3 billion, down from $6.2 billion in 2022.Briefing journalists last week, senior De Beers officials said their forecast indicates that...

  • 'Why we didn't bid for Khoemacau'

    Chinese state-powered firm, MMG, has finalised the purchase of Khoemacau for about P25 billion, the largest private-sector transaction to ever happen on local soils.Speaking last week in Maun at a ceremony to mark MMG’s takeover, Moagi said...

  • Botswana rejects UK immigration deal

    Botswana, a former colony of Great Britain itself has shown not even that slightest interest to the proposed treaty rejecting it upon proposal.In an interview with Mmegi this week Minister of Foreign Affairs, Dr Lemogang Kwape revealed that the UK...

  • Huawei to roll out 5.5G network in Botswana

    In 2022, Botswana first interfaced with 5G technology following its implementation by Orange Botswana. By then 5G was the premium technology network, designed to offer faster network support while connecting vast periphery devices, machines, and...

  • Citizens as bystanders in the economy

    When the chronicle of Botswana as a success story is narrated, about the anchors on diamonds or the country’s resilient leadership, the question will be asked whether citizens played a mammoth role in this success story. Or has the country carved a...

  • Rental revenue bolsters Turnstar's profits

    According to the published results, rental revenues for the group rose by 13% totalling P328.5 million compared to the corresponding year which ended in P291.3 million. Turnstar executives apportioned the surge in rental revenues to strong rental...

  • Rising pension cash-outs worry insurers

    Since October 2022, amendments to the Act have provided for enhanced withdrawals at retirement, raising the commutable or cash payout of the pension at retirement, from one-third to 50% of accrued savings.In a briefing on the group’s financial...

  • Top elections to watch in 2024

    The world shakes at its shoes as poll dates draw closer and closer like the dreaded sound of the hangman’s footsteps echoing in the ears of a felon whose fate is the gallows. In 2024, it is not just about who will emerge victorious, it is about the...

  • I was ready to walk away from De Beers – Masisi

    Botswana’s diamonds are not just shiny stones concealed by the Sahara sands that drape the turf of the nation’s territory, they are the roads coiled all over the nation, the buildings that house the country’s industrialisation efforts, diamonds...

  • Funding SMEs in Botswana: A contrarian view

    While the “mokgolosa” statement has gone viral on social media, some public finance experts are sounding the alarm over the amounts of cash the government is pouring into unviable ventures, a persistent trend over the years.Experts estimate that...

  • BPOPF ups shareholding in Tlou Energy

    The pension fund snapped up about 61.3 million additional shares amounting to 5.65 million Australian dollars (A$) (P50m) under the second round of an offer by Tlou that was initially closed in January. The new shares take BPOPF’s total equity in...

  • Air Botswana privatisation hits brick wall

    The state-owned national flag carrier has been drenched in financial dire straits for many years with the airline failing to break even due to low sales and high maintenance costs. Responding to a question in Parliament, Serame revealed that...

  • CEDA, YDF investments underperform – BIDPA study

    Government efforts to invest in Small to Medium Enterprises in the country have been mainly for job creation purposes, as the economy has long struggled with rising unemployment rates, particularly amongst youths.The report, which is a study on the...

  • Pension funds surpass NBFIRA’s repatriation target

    Under amendments to the Retirement Funds Act, the Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority (NBFIRA) mandates pension funds to raise their domestic holdings to a minimum of 50% of their total assets, progressively between 2023 and...

  • Energy regulators forge path towards renewables

    RERA’s annual conference took place over four days in Gaborone last week, in the backdrop of the ongoing global debates on the optimal use of energy sources especially around coal which has been snubbed by the global community. Delegates at the...

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