
Isaac Pinielo
  • Real estate industry to explore diversification solutions

    Responding to Mmegi Business inquiries, REIB president Modiredi Maruping said as an industry and professional body, the institute wants to provide economic solutions that could generate sustainable growth, thereby creating employment and wealth of...

  • Bolux expands plant to boost capacity

    Bolux recently sold a 49 percent stake to Seaboard in a move aimed at securing investment and capital injection into the company. Head of corporate affairs at Bolux, Nkosi Mwaba said the company has been operating an old plant since 1984 adding that...

  • Govt moves to eliminate trade barriers

    Through a National Enquiry Point (NEP), which was launched in Gaborone this week, the Botswana Bureau of Standards (BOBS) will offer the services. The NEP is a requirement of the World Trade Organisation (WTO) under the Technical Barriers to Trade...

  • Govt tightens local procurement guidelines

    According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry while some procurement entities purchase their goods and services from local providers, others continue to import some of the products that can be sourced locally. The ministry stated that in some cases...

  • Barclays profits fall 30% on market headwinds

    During the period, the bank registered profit before tax of P110 million, which is lower than the P160 million recorded in the same period last year. However, Barclays managing director, Reinette van der Merwe said the results were satisfactory...

  • Choppies continues Africa growth trajectory

    The operations in Zambia and Tanzania were due to commence by the middle of this year, but had been delayed by a few months. Choppies plans to rollout a total of 35 new stores, excluding acquisitions, in the coming financial year in line with its...

  • Afinitas acquires 50% stake in London conference

    Afinitas executive director, Leutlwetse Tumelo told Mmegi Business on Tuesday that the acquisition is a step in the right direction for the company as it now has a subsidiary. The 50 percent stake in the London-held conference is being bought for a...

  • Private sector calls for review of govt levies

    Through their umbrella body, Business Botswana, the private sector stated that multiple levies undermine the competitiveness of firms in general. Presenting a Business Botswana position paper on the impact of commercial levies on businesses, lead...

  • Beef export competitiveness deteriorates � BIDPA study

    In a recent working paper titled ‘Export Competitiveness of Botswana’s Beef Industry’ published by the Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis (BIDPA), the researchers stated that despite its deteriorating competitiveness, Botswana...

  • Banks warm up to Basel II

    Basel II attempts to integrate Basel capital standards with national regulations, by setting the minimum capital requirements of financial institutions with the goal of ensuring institutional liquidity. In preparation for the implementation of the...

  • Private sector urged to take lead

    Speaking at the Business Botswana annual general meeting on Tuesday, the minister of Trade and Industry, Vincent Seretse stated that it was the responsibility of the private sector to play an entrepreneurial role in the economy. “It is for this...

  • Statistics Botswana targets timely release of data

    The principal statistician for national accounts and prices, Ketso Makhumalo described the collection and processing of data into statistical information as a mammoth task. “We collect data from various sources and some sources usually take long...

  • BWMADE launches first digital market

    During a media briefing held at the First Steps Venture Centre (FSVC), CEO of Intellegere Holdings, Itumeleng Garebatshabe said the digital shop platform was created in response to several challenges faced by Batswana in creative fields trying to get...

  • Engen�s profits grow despite low oil prices

    During the half-year period ended June 30, 2015, the Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) listed petroleum firm recorded a 25 percent increase in gross profit to P148 million from P118 million in the same period last year. Engen Botswana’s managing...

  • Letshego obtains Tanzanian banking licence

    Since April this year, the microlender has been running a series of cautionary notices stating that it has agreed to become a 75 percent shareholder of a deposit-taking financial institution that specialises in micro finance by way of subscription...

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