
Calistus Kolantsho
  • Amos formally charged for violating anti-doping rules

    The official charge comes eight months after the athlete was suspended on the eve of the World Championship in Oregon, the United States of America. According to information reaching Mmegi Online, the athlete is charged with committing Anti-Doping...

  • BOKA wars head to court

    According to court papers filed before the High Court in Gaborone, Karabo Samuel, Bathai, Samuel Dire, and David Hubona are the applicants.BOKA, led by its president, Mpho Bakwadi, Moemedi Nthapelelang, Othusitse Dick, Kemmonye Seletamotse,...

  • Bantsi returns as BAA president

    The new leader won a tightly contested race over the weekend, with the first round of voting ending with a tie, 12 votes each. Affiliates had to go for a second round of voting where Bantsi emerged victorious with a single vote, ending the stalemate...

  • Botswana backs Ghana in rugby elections

    Mensah, who is the Ghana Rugby Federation's (GRF) president, announced his interest to contest for the presidency on Tuesday. Mensah was nominated by the Nigeria Rugby Football Federation to run for president.He has been president of the GRF...

  • Road running takes center stage

    Over the weekend, the trend continued during the BTC Francistown Marathon activation held at the Fairscape, Fairgrounds. The activation was organised by the Fearless Fitness Club while the other set of the activation was held in Tonota.Fearless...

  • Seetso on the verge making of history

    Seetso was in his element this weekend beating Hugh Winter of Australia, 6-1, 6-2 to win the International Tennis Federation (ITF) Potchefstroom J100 tournament.He reached the finals following a 6-3 6-4 win over Gur Trakhtenberg of Israel. Botswana...

  • It's 10 cheers for Diacore marathon

    In 2012, the race was adopted by Diacore Botswana and participation has grown from 2,000 athletes to over 10,000. Diacore Marathon race manager, Tshepiso Baipidi told Mmegi Sport that celebrating 10 years is no small feat. “We normally have a theme...

  • Club addresses boxer Kenosi's concerns

    National team coach and Kenosi's club coach, Thebe Setlalekgosi said the boxer had welfare issues that she was dealing with.“I totally agree with the concerns that she raised, the main issue being accommodation and the national team camp that...

  • Pair excluded from Commonwealth incentives

    The two athletes, Tsaone Sebele and Oarabile Tshosa were roped into the team as reserves after Motlatsi Rante and Thomphang Basele picked some minor injuries during training.According to information reaching Mmegi Sport, Sebele and Tshosa were...

  • Athletics official suspended for 'indiscipline'

    Lion’s Den chairperson, Tumelo Lotlaamoreng, through the letter, accused Oitebetse of 'indiscipline and maladministration'. “Therefore a conclusion has been reached that an investigation be carried out to establish the true vision of what...

  • Moloi's fast legs take her atop 100m pile

    The Lion’s Den Athletics Club sprinter pushed hard to beat veteran sprinter Loungo Matlhaku to win the women’s 100m heat, recording a personal best (PB) of 11.87.It has been a steady journey on the track for Moloi who started running when she was...

  • Ndori stamps his authority

    The World Athletics Championships are slated for Budapest on August 19. The African Games have been postponed to next year after the host country, Ghana failed to meet the deadline.Ndori pulled a surprise during the World Athletics Championships that...

  • Corporate games debut in Botswana

    The Olympics styled competition, which is supported by the Botswana National Sport Commission (BNSC), is set to become Botswana’s biggest multi-sport festival for businesses and bring athletics mirroring the success of the Dubai corporate games....

  • Latin dancers plead for support

    But two local Latin dancers, Kesego Lopang and her partner, Prince Kesupetswe have strong belief in the art and they have reached the top level after turning professional. Latin dance has a long history after the style was introduced at the Blackpool...

  • Squash academy sends players to SA

    The competition is expected to attract 420 players drawn from South Africa. The academy made its first appearance at the junior championships in 2022. The team won one gold medal through the Under-11 girls’ team and four bronze medals. The...

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