The one common denominator of all schools that rose from the ashes to become academic champions is that they were all led. Properly, courageously, and fearlessly ed. One is well aware that other people place emphasis on other factors. And that given...
Let us begin with the home environment.At home, the children are no longer spectators. They are very much hands-on. When returning to school, children expect to continue, of course within the parameters of school rules, their action packed way of...
Now the writing is on the wall that a new sheriff in town is putting a high premium on addressing, with a sense of urgency and passion, the major roadblocks that have been inhibiting the provision of quality and relevant education in public schools....
Where does it hurt most in education? The question is made relevant by the fact that not all levels of education are doing badly. Though under resourced, the primary school sub-sector continues to outperform other levels.It is a sub-sector...
Some schools are mega size schools, bigger than some villages. Having had the experience of serving both in small and big schools, I can testify that managing a small school is relatively easier than navigating the terrain of a big school.What is...
The problems do not stem from the difficulty of managing a turnaround programme. It comes mainly from negative energy. Mission impossible is motivated by a wrong assumption based on fears of the unknown and lack of faith in the competencies and...
“Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth for the first heaven and earth had passed and there was no longer any sea and I John I saw the Holy city, a new Jerusalem coming down from God out of heaven prepared as a bride adorned for her husband.”...
We have a collective responsibility to raise, educate and grow our children as a united front. Going it alone as experience has shown, is an exercise in futility. What is not in dispute is that our children are a precious gift from God, coming to...
His timeless, deeply patriotic and universally applicable words remain relevant now as they were yesterday. “And so fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.”The fortunes of any country lies...
The policy development faculty seems to be ticking the right boxes while agencies responsible for execution are a bit wanting in some respects. Schools continue to give their best selves but can do much better with a bit of external aid. One critical...
“The effectiveness of school lies in the quality of school life” (Robin etal, 1992).A school is an academic institution that exists within a social setting. Ward Heneveld and Helen Craig underscore the need to recognise a school as a social...
But it remains a little mystery that a beautiful concept that offered a marvellous and ideal environment for teaching and learning ultimately waned and lost appeal. Now, their fortunes have changed completely. It is rather unfortunate that boarding...
I enjoy the ease with which people thrash a wide spectrum of issues, be it politics, religion, sports, and many more. There is no doubt about their sense of humour, stortelling prowess and the ability to make extra ordinary pronouncements on any...
For instance, there are very good lessons of the 19th century, which shook and changed the world for better or worse. Some are regrettable events that should be noted and forgotten while many others should be cherished and glorified. Great and...
But while about to pack his things and leave, he asked to say something. And he was permitted to do so. In mitigation, he told the panel of judges if they were aware that they had just kicked out a first class student and therefore, denied the school...