
Tshwarelo Hosia
  • Ticking the right boxes

    The policy development faculty seems to be ticking the right boxes while agencies responsible for execution are a bit wanting in some respects. Schools continue to give their best selves but can do much better with a bit of external aid. One critical...

  • Managing,navigating school life

    “The effectiveness of school lies in the quality of school life” (Robin etal, 1992).A school is an academic institution that exists within a social setting. Ward Heneveld and Helen Craig underscore the need to recognise a school as a social...

  • The 'unappealing' beautiful concept

    But it remains a little mystery that a beautiful concept that offered a marvellous and ideal environment for teaching and learning ultimately waned and lost appeal. Now, their fortunes have changed completely. It is rather unfortunate that boarding...

  • Mingling with ordinary folks

    I enjoy the ease with which people thrash a wide spectrum of issues, be it politics, religion, sports, and many more. There is no doubt about their sense of humour, stortelling prowess and the ability to make extra ordinary pronouncements on any...

  • The love of the subject

    For instance, there are very good lessons of the 19th century, which shook and changed the world for better or worse. Some are regrettable events that should be noted and forgotten while many others should be cherished and glorified. Great and...

  • A life changing mitigation

    But while about to pack his things and leave, he asked to say something. And he was permitted to do so. In mitigation, he told the panel of judges if they were aware that they had just kicked out a first class student and therefore, denied the school...

  • Teaching: The destiny shaper

    On account of its critical role as a destiny shaper, the teaching profession cannot afford to underachieve or succumb to any affliction because its demise will spell doom to so many lives depending on it. Keeping the teaching profession alive is as...

  • A requiem for Botsile–Zikhali

    The news of her untimely and premature passing did not reach me through the conventional channel. As it is becoming a norm, I was left a little 'paralysed' and with a sense of disbelief to discover accidentally through the notorious messenger...

  • Tertiary school’s significance progress

    It has been a long and intricate battle but victory looks almost certain. But with the right the mind set, the sector could have fared much better.The greatest stumbling block, which frustrated the potential of the tertiary sector, has been the...

  • Age is just a number

    No one can outgrow learning. The teaching profession is at the heart of the teaching and learning process and it should be the first port of call when society is contemplating transformational change. Teachers must not fold their arms and wait for...

  • Education: The people’s project

    Tragically, without any scrutiny, the parents were sold the lie and they bought it hook, line and sinker. Consequently, parents sat comfortably in the background and watched from a distance as the rulers ran the show - mapping the future of their...

  • Passion, experience are both desirable

    Talking from experience, I should be the first to admit that take off of a beginner is usually rough, a little turbulent and understandably riddled with daunting teething challenges. This is the more reason new and inexperienced teachers require a...

  • The impulse of an organisation

    This is the characteristic norm in hierarchical organisations where those sitting at the summit of the organisation expect and demand to be fed with relevant, accurate and timely information for various purposes ranging from ensuring accountability,...

  • Naming positions in an organisation

    Some positions, especially those sitting at the top of the organisational structure, are general in nature and scope making it difficult for the uninitiated to determine with accuracy the duties the holder of the position is expected to carry out...

  • The fight to improve school system

    The overarching goals of any system of education especially in poverty stricken and underdeveloped jurisdictions are rolling back the frontiers of poverty and also to paraphrase President Herbert Hoover to ensure a roof above every head, a chicken in...

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