Lack of qourum in parliament, what remedy?

Madam Speaker Gladys Kokorwe, was livid last week on the lack of quorum in parliament. It is an old story that comes on and off in Our Parliament, Our Pride.

Why should this be the case? Parliament can pass a law(s)to stop the rot of defrauding the treasury with impunity. Why is Parliament reluctant to end this thieving of public funds by representatives regarded as honourable?

They are elected by loyal Batswana who believe their loyalty should be rewarded with the integrity of representatives they are loyal to.  Why should Honourable MPs want to take the poor of the poor, for a jolly ride? Instead of spending public taxes prudently in the interest of the nation, the men and women elected to the peoples’ representative institutions get there to fend for themselves  alone and forget the rest; having squandered the public resources, they shed crocodile tears when expected to deliver public services pleading lack of funds! The racketeers have no conscience. Do they think, they alone have been created in the image of God and the voters in the image of Lucifer, the outcast? Incidentally they swear by God and the angels, the hypocrites!

Editor's Comment
Watch your tongue Mr President

While his leadership has brought about significant progress and development, it is imperative that he exercises greater caution in his choice of words, particularly when addressing sensitive matters.One of the primary concerns is the potential impact of his remarks on Botswana’s relationship with De Beers, the diamond mining giant that plays a crucial role in the nation’s economy.The partnership between Botswana and De Beers has been mutually...

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