Looking for a nude minister

I could not believe my ears when I switched on a radio station and was greeted by a news bulletin announcing that a minister has threatened to go naked if she is not allowed to pass a bill seeking to punish churches. If this is how we are going to sort out our differences, then I am madly in love with my country. I also love my church, more especially my pastor.

I am more in love with our parliament, and that is why I have purchased a tent, on hire purchase albeit, just to set up a camp at the National Assembly backyard to get a glimpse of this nude minister. I hope that the security guards will not give me trouble because we promote ‘backyard this, backyard that’. Mine is an innocent backyard home and a temporary one. I do not need government assistance to set this one up.

I am confident that the young people’s movement is getting into the heads of our leaders. I can’t believe that a month after a young man swam in the parliament fountain to cool himself down, his actions would have so much impact. The impact is so huge, leading to a minister threatening to go naked if her wishes are not granted. Apparently she wanted to go swimming in the fountain.

Editor's Comment
BDP primaries leave a lot to be desired

The BDP as a party known to have ample resources has always held its primaries well in time, but this time around that was not the case. The first leg of the primaries was held last weekend, with the final leg being billed for the coming weekend. This time around, the BDP failed to shine in its primary elections. The elections were chaotic; most if not all polling stations didn't open at the specified time of 6am. Loyal BDP members braved the...

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