Dreams come true for Mphotho, Pelemo

Moving forward: Pelemo is making progress after winning the singles title
Moving forward: Pelemo is making progress after winning the singles title

Modisaotsile ‘Dizza’ Mphotho of Phikwe Bowling Club and his Jwaneng Club counterpart, Gaoromelwe ‘Mpopi’ Pelemo, have put their names in the Botswana Bowling Association (BBA) records after they won their first national singles titles recently.

Mphotho emerged with a gold medal after beating one of the most decorated bowlers, Baven Balendra of Francistown Club with a score of 9-6, 11-6. The 29-year-old joined bowling in 2016 during his stay in Jwaneng. “One of the coaches, Makolwane Mantsima invited me to practice through my mother. It was just a casual talk between the two elders and during that time, the Jwaneng Club needed to develop young players. He introduced me to the sport and the same year I played in my first competition, which was the national league that we clinched after winning pairs and the singles (but) losing out in the fours,” he said during an interview with MmegiSport after his victory. He said during the national league, he pairs with Boitumelo Mosinyi. In 2017, Mphotho criss-crossed the country to join the Phikwe Bowling Club.

Mphotho said at his new club, he started working with George Keini. “Upon arrival it was difficult. I failed to make the podium finish but I did not give up. In 2018, I came with guns blazing, getting a silver medal in the Fours during the BBA National Championship. I went on to win a gold medal in the Under-25 Youth Singles tournament in 2018 and another silver in Triples during the 2019 national championships,” he said. Mphotho said his hard work earned him a spot in the fours team that brought a silver medal from the 2024 Zimbabwe National Championship. His other teammates during the Fours were Keini, Kitso Mmunyane and Carlos Tigere. He said winning the 2024 Singles title is the highlight of his career. “It has been an interesting journey so far. Preparing for the 2024 National Championship was not easy. As you might be aware, since the closure of the BCL Mine, our greens collapsed. But despite the challenge we face as a club, we won the Francistown Major. So the only preparation I did was just to jog along the road,” he said. Mphotho plays with Drakes Pride Bowls. He said by being the national champion, he has qualified for the World Bowls Champion of Champions, which needs special preparations. The Bobonong native said bowling is an expensive sport because it comes with a lot of travelling but he has been fortunate to get support from Keini who has also hired him.

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