Algerian club snatches volleyball ace

Kutlwano's Tracy Chaba's deadly exploits have earned her a move to Algerian side, Bejaia. She becomes the third local player to be exported to Algeria.

Chaba leaves today to begin her seven-month stint with the top Algerian side.  There is a possibility to renew the contract when it expires next May.

Algeria, with a world ranking of number 14, has reached the Olympic Games finals twice. Bejaia spotted the player in the Africa Club Championships in Madagascar early this year.  The 21-year-old Chaba joins teammate Tebogo Sejewe and Mafolofolo attacker, Dipolelo Chidzala in Algeria. Chaba promised to represent the country well on and off the field. "For my volleyball life to be long I have to be well mannered," she told Mmegi Sport.

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