'Unprecedented Numbers', '100k Jobs In 12 Months' & 'Percentages': Will The Jobs Ever Come?

Saleshando and Boko
Saleshando and Boko

Concern about the scarcity of jobs, not just jobs but good jobs is fuelling interest in labour-market interventions from political parties.

Some of them speak re-skilling and training services for the unemployed, decent living wages, and an SMME-centric approach to job creation. Jobs are a hot contentious issue on everyone’s electoral agenda.

I think we can all agree that the country has had its fair share of jobs summits and conferences to last us probably until the end of the fourth industrial revolution. From a practical state planning point of view, it’s easier to move the right pieces to create jobs than it is to talk to about it. Talking about it should be a task left to think tanks, universities, of course with engagement from the government’s chief policy advisors.

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