My response To Your Inquiry

Jacob Sesinyi
Jacob Sesinyi

I have chosen to write to Mmegi Monitor following your interest and inquiry from your Reporter to correct certain blatant and manifest untruths regarding the subject of a Bot50 tender dispute in which one of the losers in the Dialogue group to be specific chose to target myself for defamation, a line of story that Sunday Standard unfortunately chose to run with in their article entitled “BOT50 IN A MULTI MILLION TENDER ROW”, which makes various references to myself and which article also deliberately distorts and withholds certain facts, in order to support the iniquitous narrative of possible misconduct on my part.

I can confirm that I own and operate a communication consultancy that amongst other things develops and delivers communication solutions and events for various clients both locally and internationally. This consultancy has been in operation for almost a decade.

A significant number of solutions to our clients are delivered either on our own or in partnership with various partners both locally and internationally. We are therefore always on the look out for potential partners that can help us deliver to our clients’ needs either on a project by project basis or on a more permanent basis. It is in this context that we approached VWV for potential partnership. I can advise that at the same time, we approached other potential partners in other parts of the world. As a result, when VWV reverted advising that they were not able to partner with us, we happily moved on. We harbor no grudge or resentment towards VWV whatsoever.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

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