Khama danced on Motswaledi�s grave even before he was buried
Friday, August 22, 2014

The article published the story linking it to the death of Gomolemo Motswaledi whose death is still shrouded in mystery. Assassinations are the leading method of getting rid of political opponents and this has been used for centuries and it seems this is bound to continue for as long as politicians are poised to oppose each other. Those open to the vices of assassination include among others criminal gang leaders, political dissidents, business opponents and opinion writers like me.
One of the things that occur regularly the world over that many of us are oblivious to and yet it holds a great significance and bearing in the lives of our political leaders of all sorts and kind is assassinations. Political assassinations have happened even in the Bible days as we read the story Amnon, son of King David who was killed by the servants of Absalom his brother after raping his half-sister named Tamar. Later on it emerged that Absalom himself was assassinated by Joab, the Commander of David’s army.
We duly congratulate them to have ousted the long ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) from power. Prior to taking power from the BDP, the coalition had made several election promises that are credited for influencing change and swaying the people to vote in its favour.The party had made an undertaking, which its leader and President Duma Boko consistently bellowed in his campaign trail. These undertakings were promises that Batswana would be...