Uncle escapes rape charge

Regional Magistrate Chris Gabanagae yesterday ruled out a rape charge against a 54-year old accused of raping his then five-year old niece on 17 October 2008.

Gabanagae said the state failed to prove beyond reasonable doubt that the accused had indeed raped the child.

"The court had to consider elements aligned with rape, such as consent as well as forced penetration. The state could not prove there was penetration. Therefore this court rules out the element of penetration, leaving the conclusion that the accused may have attempted to penetrate the young girl's private parts but failed.

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BDP primaries leave a lot to be desired

The BDP as a party known to have ample resources has always held its primaries well in time, but this time around that was not the case. The first leg of the primaries was held last weekend, with the final leg being billed for the coming weekend. This time around, the BDP failed to shine in its primary elections. The elections were chaotic; most if not all polling stations didn't open at the specified time of 6am. Loyal BDP members braved the...

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