Smooth criminal robs, rapes women

A lone criminal who robs and rapes young women at the Gaborone Bus Rank is on the loose. Gaborone West Police Station Commander, Agreement Mapeu says since the beginning of this month, there have been six cases of women who reported that they were robbed by the man.

One of the women was even raped, according to the police.  The man lures his victims to the bush between Phase II location and West Gate shopping complex where he would then rob them.  Mapeu said the man’s tactics is to waylay his victims at the main bus rank. He said usually the suspect targets young women who are arriving by buses and carrying some items.  The station commander said they received the latest case on Friday morning, adding that there was another incident which was reported to the Borakanelo Police Station.  

Upon approaching the potential victim, he would ask her if she knows “Sam”. The police chief said the man would then claim that this Sam has told him that the woman was the one who stole his car radio. He would then suggest that they should go and meet Sam so that they can resolve the issue. The women who were robbed had agreed to accompany him on different occasions. They would then walk until they reached the bush behind Phase II. 

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BDP primaries leave a lot to be desired

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