SADC observer mission deployed countrywide

SADC Executive Secretary Stergomena Lawrence-Tax (left) with South African Minister of International Relations Maine Nkoana Mashabane at the SEOM launch on Friday. PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO
SADC Executive Secretary Stergomena Lawrence-Tax (left) with South African Minister of International Relations Maine Nkoana Mashabane at the SEOM launch on Friday. PIC: MORERI SEJAKGOMO

The Southern African Development Community (SADC) has deployed its election observer mission to all 10 districts of Botswana.

Twenty-four teams are made up of 86 observers, coming from Angola, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe. The observers are divided into three teams and deployed to Gaborone Central/south, Gaborone West and Mogoditshane. The team is compromised of two members from two different SADC Member States.

“The observers have been in Gaborone since last week where they underwent refresher training on election observation offered by the SADC secretariat and conducted by the Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA),” said SADC public relations head, Leefa Martin.  She said the observers were also addressed by stakeholders - the Independent Electoral Commission, Botswana Police Service, political parties and the civil society.

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Time to end informal sector fronting

The Francistown Umbrella Informal Sector chairperson, David Mbulawa, has highlighted this growing concern, revealing that many local traders are using their licences to facilitate the entry of foreign goods into the market at a fee.Fronting undermines the very fabric of our local economy. It allows foreign traders to exploit the system designed to benefit Batswana, using local licences to cross borders and sell goods at prices intended for local...

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