No Privileges For ZCCs In Omang And Passports Photos


While Muslims, Rastafarians and Herero women have been allowed to proudly pose with their religious headgears for passport and Omang pictures, the ZCC’s hats and berets are outlawed, because they do not meet international standards. It appears the Immigration laws governing the wearing of the headgears have confused the famous ZCC berets and caps with fashion items.

Amongst other requirements, the Botswana guidelines stipulate that caps are not allowed. The ZCC men’s headgears look like caps, while their women’s blue and green berets could easily be mistaken for a fashion item.

The Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Labour and Home Affairs, Ikothaeng Bagopi confirmed to The Monitor that despite the ZCC outlawing their women from taking off their headgear in public, the immigration department will not allow them to take pictures with the hats as the ZCC head gear is not listed in the permissible items for official documents.

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