May Day blues
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Confusion reigned supreme yesterday on whether or not labour unions had secured a permit from the police to gather at Gaborone Secondary School grounds resulting in an unprecedented low turnout of workers for the commemoration of International Labour Day or May Day.
Speakers at the event, which brought together unions including Botswana Public Employees Unions (BOPEU), Botswana Land Boards, Local Authorities and Health Workers Unions (BLLAHWU), Footballers Union of Botswana (FUB), claimed that the low turnout was due to police telling workers that the unions did not have a permit to gather at the GSS grounds.
A few weeks after the former ruling Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) was reduced to a pale shadow of itself in the just passed General Election on October 30, it was only logical that you take a conscious decision of resigning from the party. This was before you could be pushed out of the position by irate party diehards who feel you did not do enough during your tenure as the head of the party secretariat.We know that it is at the party...