Livestock reflector belt to curb road accidents

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A local company, Enterprise Development Network, has invented a livestock reflector belt that will curb road accidents at night. The brainchild of Enterprise Development Network, Edwin Othusitse, told Mmegi in an interview that the idea came last year while he was travelling. “I travel a lot and I see many livestock on the road so I thought to myself, why can’t animals reflect at night because there are so many reflective materials,” he said.

Othusitse said he then decided to look for material to combine into a reflector belt. Othusitse said with help from his partners, he managed to manufacture the reflector belt.

Othusitse said the main purpose of this belt is to save lives.

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Refrain from risky behaviours

After long spells of dryness and high temperatures, it is important to celebrate the torrential rains with caution and reasonableness especially when all indications suggest that the rains are not going to stop anytime soon, especially in the northern parts of the country.We want to encourage both the young and the old to refrain from any risky behaviour during this rainy season.Batswana need to be on red alert and not take chances during the...

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