
High Court orders Mosala's exhumation

Mosala family with their lawyer Makwati..PIC.KENNEDY RAMOKONE
Mosala family with their lawyer Makwati..PIC.KENNEDY RAMOKONE

High Court Judge Justice Michael Motlhabi of Lobatse High Court yesterday ruled that the Commissioner of Police shall facilitate and conduct exhumation or cause to be exhumed, the body of Pedzani Mosala at own cost within seven days from the date of the order. Moreover, according to Motlhabi's order, the Commissioner shall secure the services of a government pathologist to conduct a postmortem on the body of Mosala within a reasonable time from the date of yesterday's order.

"The Commissioner shall compile a docket and forward same to the Director of Public Prosecutions to make a determination after the conduct of the postmortem conducted pursuant to order above. The Respondents are to pay the cost of this application," Motlhabi emphasised.

On November 5, 2023, somewhere in the cells of Kutlwano Police Station in Francistown, the life of Pedzani, a 22-year-old student of the Institute of Health Sciences came to a sad, tragic and mysterious end.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

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