Govt Goats Tenders Breeding Theft

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Lobatse police are investigating a criminal syndicate that steals goats from kraals at night to feed government's small stock programme known as Livestock Management and Infrastructure Development (LIMID).

It is believed that after winning government tenders for the supply of goats, the syndicate steals the goats and then delivers them in trucks to selected destinations. The recipients of the stock from government are often unaware that these are stolen stock. But after a while the syndicate would hit a kraal belonging to a newly empowered beneficiary of the LIMID programme, who would wake up to an empty kraal. The supplier relocates the goats to another destination for which he has won another government tender.

Some goats belonging to kraals in Otse were recently recovered at kraals in Gantsi where beneficiaries of the LIMID programme innocently believed they were from the government. In Otse, 17 victims of this syndicate have been recorded. The syndicate targets goat kraals in the village and at masimo.

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Fighting GBV is for us all

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