Botswana was last built in the 70s - Gaolathe

Ndaba Gaolathe speaking at his launch PIC: MORERI SEKAKGOMO
Ndaba Gaolathe speaking at his launch PIC: MORERI SEKAKGOMO

Although Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) president Duma Boko was famously absent during his vice, Ndaba Gaolathe’s launch on Saturday, the latter took the chance to emphasise that Botswana needs a revamp.

The Alliance for Progressives (AP), whose party joined the opposition coalition last year, was quick to tell the crowd at Molapo Piazza that the country’s economy deserves a proper revamp after decades on the sidelines. An economist by profession, Gaolathe’s constant message throughout his speech was that they plan to build the economy if the UDC wins the 2024 General Election.

“The last time a leader built this country was in the '70s so it's time we build our country,” he said. The UDC vice president added Botswana currently has one gigantic company Debswana. He said if they take over after the October polls, the plan is to ensure that Botswana has at least two more gigantic companies to complement the diamond mining company. “We have to stand up and build these gigantic companies. “But to achieve that we have to vote for leaders who are responsible and capable,” he said. Gaolathe said if Botswana can build Debswana-like companies the issue of unemployment would be solved.

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Respect public institutions Mr Pres

Leaders must uphold the rule of law and ensure justice, but Masisi’s remarks raise serious concerns on the separation of powers and the independence of the justice system.Masisi’s claim that he personally instructed authorities not to handcuff Khama, regardless of the legal circumstances, undermines the principles of justice and equality before the law.As Head of State, Masisi should respect the judicial process and avoid interfering in...

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