the monitor

BCP postpones final lap of primary elections


Amid reports of a low voter registration turnout, the Botswana Congress Party (BCP) has announced postponement of its final lap of primary elections to next month.

The primaries were originally slated to take place in January, but have since be moved to February. In an interview on Sunday, BCP spokesperson, Dr. Mpho Pheko explained that the decision to postpone the primary elections was arrived at to allow the party more time to mobilise members of the public to register to vote in the 2024 General Election.

“The party is hoping to encourage as many people as possible to take part in the democratic process,” Pheko said. “Each candidate and their campaign team are expected to conduct house-to-house campaigns in order to encourage people to register for elections. The candidates will be working hard to reach as many potential voters as possible.” Pheko explained that primary election candidates’ first priority will be to reach out to BCP members and ensure that they have registered. “After that, the candidates will focus on reaching out to the wider community," she said.

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