Kabotho offers tips on conquering NCDs

The book cover
The book cover

Seasoned medical laboratory scientist and epidemiologist, Katlego Kabotho, who is also the founder of Maranyane Medical Laboratory based in Jwaneng, has written a new book titled, 'Healthy Warriors! Conquering NCDs.'

The 40-paged read, published locally by AfroShapers, is a well-illustrated book which emphasises the importance of making healthier choices and aims to raise awareness on Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs) to positively impact the future and the economy. The book is available in both English and Setswana versions in a bid to cater for diverse audience with different cultural backgrounds.

The English version was translated to Setswana by Rona Letlhogile. "Language should not be a barrier in education and we took an intentional step to have this informative publication in both languages that are spoken in Botswana," elaborated Kabotho. The book is appropriate for all ages and takes readers on a journey through a series of stories, with each story focusing on a different NCD. Through these stories, readers become acquainted with a diverse group of characters who face various NCDs such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, and depression.

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Respect public institutions Mr Pres

Leaders must uphold the rule of law and ensure justice, but Masisi’s remarks raise serious concerns on the separation of powers and the independence of the justice system.Masisi’s claim that he personally instructed authorities not to handcuff Khama, regardless of the legal circumstances, undermines the principles of justice and equality before the law.As Head of State, Masisi should respect the judicial process and avoid interfering in...

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