Noose tightens around homosexuals

LUSAKA: American basketball legend Jason Colin recently became the first professional player in the American Basketball League to openly declare that he is gay for which he has received much praise from many people, including President Barack Obama for his bravery.

But the same cannot be said of gays in many African countries like Zambia, for instance, where the noose is tightening around homosexuals.  In the face of perceived pressure from the European Union (EU) to be tolerant of same sex marriages or liaisons, there has been a closing of ranks among anti-gay forces in the country and the African continent in general.  

The government, the church, traditional leaders and other strands of opinion opposed to homosexuality are increasingly moving in tandem to thwart any recognition of gays at a time when gay rights activists have attempted to portray gay recognition as a human rights imperative.  In Zambia gay opponents are legion.

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BDP primaries leave a lot to be desired

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