Is working a nine-to-five still relevant?

Daily grind: COVID-19 has sparked greater conversations about workplace productivity
Daily grind: COVID-19 has sparked greater conversations about workplace productivity

Work-from-office, once a proud sign of productivity and an emblem of meaningful work, has morphed into a fancy jail where today's workers would readily choose work-from-home or anywhere over the chore of commuting to their daily grind, spending the day around people they may not necessarily like.

The average employee spends eight hours, Monday to Friday, working away while watching the clock, hoping the sun makes its way jet-like speed back to the western horizon. Now than ever, it is evident that work as we know it will soon change, but what will this change look like, and when will it happen?

As a premise, work is as old as humankind. From the first technological invention, which was the discovery of fire when early humans sought ways to keep themselves warm and turned to friction to produce heat, humans have always proved to be industrious.

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