Catholic bishops identify sunken Gaborone Dam church

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Two of the Roman Catholic Church’s most senior office-bearers in the country say the ruins of a sprawling compound found in the receding waters of Gaborone Dam are an 86-year-old agricultural training school and church.

The compound, according to Bishop Emeritus Boniface Setlalekgosi, was called Forrest Hill and comprised a small church, livestock kraals and other structures related to agriculture. The compound – located on the eastern banks of the Gaborone Dam and now clearly visible due to receding waters – caused local excitement when Mmegi ran the story a fortnight ago. Earlier this year, members of the Gaborone Yacht Club began noticing brick and mortar patterns around the eastern banks, which in later months could be clearly seen as an altar.

As the water declined below six percent, a compound with several structures clearly came into bold relief, triggering curiosity as well as the attention of the Department of National Museum Monuments and Art Gallery.

Editor's Comment
Refrain from risky behaviours

After long spells of dryness and high temperatures, it is important to celebrate the torrential rains with caution and reasonableness especially when all indications suggest that the rains are not going to stop anytime soon, especially in the northern parts of the country.We want to encourage both the young and the old to refrain from any risky behaviour during this rainy season.Batswana need to be on red alert and not take chances during the...

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