BB Urges Farmers To Associate

Ellen Van Der Est
Ellen Van Der Est

FRANCISTOWN: Business Botswana (BB) has urged farmers to join associations that can effectively advocate for their rights, regional manager, Eileen Van Der Est said.

When addressing farmers during their consultative meeting in Francistown recently, the BB regional manager said that farmers’ associations could benefit from affiliating with the business arm through its networks.

“Through BB’s agricultural sector we have the capacity and expertise to effectively advocate for your interest through various platforms and forums that we regularly participate in,” Van Der Est said.

Editor's Comment
Time to end informal sector fronting

The Francistown Umbrella Informal Sector chairperson, David Mbulawa, has highlighted this growing concern, revealing that many local traders are using their licences to facilitate the entry of foreign goods into the market at a fee.Fronting undermines the very fabric of our local economy. It allows foreign traders to exploit the system designed to benefit Batswana, using local licences to cross borders and sell goods at prices intended for local...

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