
Monitor Editor
  • Can We Really Call Ourselves Role Models!

    It is not uncommon to hear traditional leaders of different villages complaining about the behaviour of youngsters. In recent past, there was a video of a student disrespecting and attacking a teacher, much to the amusement of other learners. The...

  • A Call To Private Sector To Adopt A School

    Students are taught in conditions that are not conducive for both the learners and the teachers. In 2011 the Adopt-A-School initiative was launched, and it was bearing fruit, but unfortunately the initiative died a slow and painful death. The...

  • Are We Not A Secular State?

    A savingram from the Ministry of Basic Education dated February 5, 2020 exempting Muslim students to wear the hijab (head scarf), and long dresses to suit their needs in line with their religion sparked a debate amongst Batswana. While some welcomed...

  • Let's Fight Coronavirus

    All the suspected passengers arrived at the Sir Seretse Khama International Airport. The Ministry did a great job in isolating the individuals while awaiting specimen results from laboratories in South Africa. However, there are still many questions...

  • We Need To Create A Safer Botswana

    Social media platforms like Facebook are always busy with debates, some serious while others are playful in nature. Different societies debate issues that affect them and sometimes the issues even catch the attention of international...

  • Is Mob Justice The Answer?

    The deceased was alleged to have been a habitual thief. While many people glorified the actions of the mob, there are those who criticised the mob justice. This is indeed a very sensitive and touchy subject for both pro and who are against mob...

  • Take It Easy On The Festive Season

    Despite that, this is the time when some engage in activities that can lead to loss of live. In some instances, people spend recklessly and take to other negatives in just two weeks that constitute the festive season. We urge you our readers to be...

  • Let Children Be Children

    While young boys also go through difficulties when growing up, the girl-child still remains the most vulnerable, and statistics are there to prove that.  While statistics show that young girls are the ones who suffer the most exploitation at the...

  • The 16 Days Of Activism Is Here

    GBV still remains one of the major challenges in our country where women continue to be killed by their intimate partners/spouses or ex-lovers, and the country still continues to record a high number of rape cases. Botswana Police Service...

  • Let's Uphold Rule Of Law Always

    What unfolded was that the BPF president and his wife failed to declare what was initially stated as R20, 000 in cash when crossing the border back into Botswana through the Ramotswa Border Post. The amount of money recovered later changed to R41,...

  • Children Belong In Classrooms, Not The Roadside

    The education sector up-to-date still has plethora of challenges, but the commentary for now will address the issue of children of school-going years who are either not enrolled in schools, or dropouts of school for various reasons.  It has come to...

  • Exercise Caution When Harvesting Wild Goodies

    The five boys of school going age, left their homes to look for wild fruits, but returned home with symptoms that suggested they might have ingested something poisonous. It was sadly confirmed that they had indeed ingested a poisonous plant known as...

  • Congratulations President Masisi!

    The voters have made their choice and it is President Mokgweetsi Masisi who will be sworn in as the President of Botswana on Friday. We would like to take a moment to congratulate the President and his party, the Botswana Democratic Party, on their...

  • To Whom Much Is Given, Much Is Expected

    This is more so than ever in a time that the country goes to the polls in less than two days to elect a new government. This sage biblical passage calls to all Batswana to be responsible for what they have in a land of talent, wealth, knowledge...

  • Exercise Your Right To Vote

    It is not uncommon for voters to register for elections, and not make it to the polling station on the election day, and most usually give the excuse that they did not know who to vote for. It is past the 11th hour, and political parties have gone...

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