
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe
  • Task team appointed to probe BNF election ‘rigging’

    Its national chairperson, Abigail Mogalakwe, leads the delegation. A letter written by interim youth president, Kago Mokotedi, noted it was common knowledge that the CC has instituted an investigation whose outcome might affect the good standing of...

  • Saleshando wins against Parliament

    This came after President Mokgweetsi Masisi instructed Parliament not to authorise payments for security details provided to the LOO. In his order, Justice Ookeditse Maphakwane said Saleshando should continue to retain the services of Black Bone for...

  • BNF fights threaten internal peace

    So far, only one congress for the Women’s League has been held and it is on record that the other lobby team was unhappy with the way the business of the elective congress was conducted. The BNF is preparing for the Youth League congress, which was...

  • Will BNF leadership decide on Kgosipula’s fate?

    Both Molatlhegi and incumbent party president, Duma Boko, will be contesting for the party presidency. The suspended Kgosipula is one of campaign managers of the Molatlhegi team.Kgosipula was this week suspended by his constituency for allegedly...

  • BNF internal fights escalate

    Historically, BNF has not had peace within itself due to many debates among its members. Monickered 'Puo-Phaa' in vernacular, the BNF problems usually arise in either the central committee, the Women’s League, or the Youth League when the...

  • Ruling party’s PEEC behind time

    The PEEC had hoped that it would have completed renewing the party’s structural mandate by end of April, but it failed to do so due to the Easter holidays and other hiccups. The party has since rescheduled its timeline to the beginning of mid-May...

  • BDP Women’s Wing meets on constitutional review

    Women believe that the reason why their concerns or matters are not taken seriously is that their key issues are not included in the Constitution.BDP Women’s Wing chairperson, Veronica Lesole said they want to submit their position paper to the...

  • MPs, Cllrs to lose if BCP pulls out of UDC

    Mmegi has learnt that the BCP legal team is already trying to find technical grounds it could use if the party’s intention to pull out succeeds and the move is to affect those holding key party positions. Currently, the party leadership is waiting...

  • Division threat looms as BCP licks wounds

    The UDC won with 335 votes, the Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) got 245 and the BCP came third with 238 votes. The BCP contended that the party has been compromising a lot in the by-elections for some opposition parties, which are not UDC affiliates....

  • Another opposition coalition in the offing?

    Already there is a group within the BCP that is lobbying for the party to leave the UDC and form an alliance with the Alliance for Progressives (AP).As such a BCP national executive committee (NEC) meeting scheduled to be held after the holidays will...

  • BDP member sues another

    The intended lawsuit emanated from the BDP Mogoditshane branch committee differences that forced the party central committee to intervene.However, it has since emerged that some committee members were not in agreement with the decisions they reached...

  • BCP to take action against its MPs

    The Botswana Congress Party (BCP) has informed this publication that the party executive committee will decide on what action to take against Members of Parliament (MPs) who are refusing to assist the party with campaigns at Bophirima ward...

  • BCP declares political war at Bophirima

    Following the fallout between BCP and Umbrella for Democratic Change (UDC) over the ward, BCP decided to field its own candidate, Peter Mogapi.With AP supporting the BCP decision, Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF), on the other hand, decided to rally...

  • Vote BDP: Tsogwane pleads with Bophirima residents

    Speaking at the well-attended Botswana Democratic Party (BDP) launch, party chairperson Vice President Slumber Tsogwane said residents should not trust opposition parties with their vote, as they are still busy with their internal fights. Launching...

  • ‘We have a serious leadership vacuum’

    The speakers said the current leadership is drunk on power to a point that they do not take people seriously.Speaking at a well-attended rally yesterday evening, one of the Botswana Patriotic Front (BPF) leaders, Samson Guma Moyo said the country’s...

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