
Tsaone Basimanebotlhe
  • Masisi stalls additional members’ appointments

    The BDP constitution article 30, clause 5 states that the President of the party shall appoint five other ordinary members of the CC from other party members. The BDP members have been waiting for Masisi to make an announcement but nothing has...

  • PACs crucial—Keorapetse

    Giving welcome remarks at the ongoing Southern Africa Development Community Organisation of Public Accounts Committees (SADCOPAC) in Gaborone Keorapetse said PACs such as supreme audit institutions are an integral part of democratic systems. He said...

  • Okavango sub-district finally gets much-needed hospital

    For years residents of Okavango have been pleading with the government to build a hospital for them since they have to travel long distances to get health services as far-flung as Maun and Gumare.The JP Kavindama Primary Hospital will be opened today...

  • CKGR family owes P100,000 in mortuary fees

    Gaoberekwe has been lying in the mortuary awaiting burial since mid-December 2021 pending a court case.This came after the Department of Wildlife and National Parks (DWNP) rejected the family's entry application into the Central Kalahari Game...

  • BPF settles for extraordinary congress

    The BPF elective congress was supposed to be held at the end of this month.According to the BPF chairperson Baemedi Kudumane, the National Executive Committee (NEC) met yesterday (Thursday) to discuss several issues, especially the elective...

  • BMD to hold congress, rebuild

    The outgoing president, Advocate Sidney Pilane will officiate at the congress. According to the acting secretary-general Bonang Kolobe, the primary role of their congress is to rebuild the party.“We are only expecting 25 structures to attend the...

  • BNF Women’s League proposes 30% quota implementation

    This is part of the party’s central committee (CC) resolution that was taken recently in which they want a special dispensation of at least 30% quota to be put in place to promote women's representation into decision-making bodies, both in the...

  • BPF legislators to unite warring factions

    The BPF is divided into two camps, one led by current acting president Caroline Lesang and the other led by suspended president Biggie Butale. The two factions’ issues heated up when Butale, who was suspended for sexual misconduct last year,...

  • Butale to be handed political fate on Tuesday

    Butale was pardoned following a lengthy suspension last year, which the party decided only this year to lift without his reinstatement as president while he is being investigated for misconduct and putting the party’s name into disrepute.Even...

  • Kario to contest BDP primaries

    Although campaigns have not yet started, Mmegi is informed that some members are already campaigning secretly to lure voters in the upcoming party's internal primary elections.So far, the dates for the party primary elections known as Bulela...

  • Serowe constituencies vulnerable as BPF rumpus continues

    The fight over the control of the party has left Serowe residents confused even further as their chiefs are on self-exile in South Africa. The Serowe constituencies are Serowe North, Serowe West and Serowe South.The three were won by the BPF for the...

  • No Boipuso fests for Tlokweng, Ramotswa

    The last independence celebrations were held in 2019.This is because the South East District Council (SEDC) had no funds for the independence celebration. In Ramotswa, residents gathered at the main kgotla, as usual, to listen to the presidential...

  • BDP gears up for Bulela Ditswe

    He told The Monitor on Saturday that the PEEC is only waiting for the party's central committee (CC) to announce the dates. “Things shifted due to COVID-19. If it were not for COVID-19, we would have started it. Membership registration for our...

  • UDC eyes BCP key members

    UDC National Executive Committee (NEC) had requested any councillor and legislator who wish to contest for 2024 General Election to write an Expression of Interest (EOI) letter by September 26.Currently, the BCP and the UDC are at a point of no...

  • Parley calls special sitting

    The virtual sitting will be held on October 5, 2022. MPs have agreed on a five percent salary and requested to be paid six months arrears.A letter written on September 27, 2022 by the Clerk of the National Assembly, Barbara Dithapo reads:...

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