A rare privilege!

I was invited and participated in a historic conference in Algiers whose theme was: Algeria’s contribution to the decolonisation of Africa. The conference convened in Algiers, capital city from November 29–30; delegates came from the four cardinal points of Africa, East, West, North and South.

Notably, delegates weren’t ruling party official representatives, but men and women who had participated in liberation movements across Africa during the hurly-burly of the decolonisation era. By a rare privilege, I was counted among those who had had a minute input then. My gratitude goes to whoever recommended my name, the Algerian Embassy in RSA who processed the invitation from the Government of the Peoples Republic  of Democratic Algeria and was kind enough to issue a 90-days visa to enable me to attend the historic conference and renew acquaintance with comrades I shared the political trenches at some stage. Not to forget the staff of El Aurassi Hotel who made my stay in Algiers a honeyed experience!  

I was excited to meet Comrade Masala, trained in Algeria post-Algeria independence, 1962, whose deployment back in the country after training, I was personally responsible for. His contribution to the underground work of ANC/MK was short-lived as he was nabbed within weeks of his  reinforcement stint. He was tried and sentenced to 11 years hard labour on Robben Island Prison where I was later to join the temporarily incarcerated in 1966!  Unfortunately, Comrade Masala and I never made contact on the island; he served in one section of the maximum jail and I in another! Meeting 52 years in a strange city more than 10,000 kilometres from Soweto where we had last met, was like meeting on the day of the resurrection, for the two of us; it rekindled brutish memories of the past whose treachery can only be forgiven under the authority of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission,  but can never be forgotten! Another delegate from RSA, retired Major General Keith  Mokoape also brought back the receding vision of the bygone cursed days. Keith and I had met before, in a military camp-in-exile, but the poignancy of meeting here decades after our last meeting was triggered by the fact that he enquired about Ausi Shirley, the hostess who harboured him while he played hide-and-seek with apartheid secret agents in Botswana; Shirley by coincidence happens to be my neighbour down the road as I write! Keith  was full of praise and gratitude to her and other Batswana who voluntarily offered freedom fighters comfort  and security from  snooping agents  from  across the border.

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BDP primaries leave a lot to be desired

The BDP as a party known to have ample resources has always held its primaries well in time, but this time around that was not the case. The first leg of the primaries was held last weekend, with the final leg being billed for the coming weekend. This time around, the BDP failed to shine in its primary elections. The elections were chaotic; most if not all polling stations didn't open at the specified time of 6am. Loyal BDP members braved the...

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