Braai festival disappoints

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Even though meat lovers came in large numbers at the National Botanical Garden to be part of Botswana's first National Braai Festival (NBF), the event turned out to be a huge disappointment for faithful meat eaters as most of the meat related activities that the organisers, Lee Lame Investments and Palm Groove promised were not made.

Many meat lovers could not wait for Saturday morning to come as they were eager to see themselves in a place filled with different types of meat where they could eat as much meat as they wanted.

People thought that they were going to take part in braaing their meat the way they liked but unfortunately Klipdrift (sponsors of the event) employees and the organisers did the job. The meat was not well-marinated, the maize meal was poorly cooked and they only provided beef leaving those who do not eat beef hungry and bored.

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